Seeking coalition members!
+ Coalition meets the SECOND Thursday of every month
@ 11:30 at 1801 S. Alameda, Suite 150
+ Lunch provided
+ Members represents all sectors of the community
+ Bring your ideas to help increase awareness of the dangers of Underage Drinking, Marijuana/Synthetic Drug Use, and Prescription Drug Use
+ Coalition meets the SECOND Thursday of every month
@ 11:30 at 1801 S. Alameda, Suite 150
+ Lunch provided
+ Members represents all sectors of the community
+ Bring your ideas to help increase awareness of the dangers of Underage Drinking, Marijuana/Synthetic Drug Use, and Prescription Drug Use
Prescription Drop-Off Boxes
+Robstown Police Department + Portland's Prescription Drop-Off Box + Sinton's Prescription Drop-Off Box + Nueces County (Corpus Christi) Drop-Off Box + Nueces County- Constable Precinct 2 Drop-Off Box + Nueces County- Constable Precinct 4 Drop-Off Box |